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An Entire Health System in Your Pocket

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The FHIOS Virtual platform combines the best in predictive disease screening and analysis; with interactive health education, products, and services, designed to support the optimal long and healthy life.

Personal Health Platform

The FHIOS Virtual Health System and Platform is specifically designed to keep our members healthy, happy and out of the traditional “sick care” system

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Health Profile

FHIOS Predictus allows for the comprehensive use and analysis of millions of data variations generated by each of our health screening protocols, in order to create a precise individual disease risk report and evolving predictive health profile for each FHIOS member.  Our system will also allow for ongoing monitoring and behavior health analysis between Health Screenings, offering our members a real-time dynamic picture of their health.

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FHIOS Virtual

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Health Library
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Content & Education
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Virtual Marketplace
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Communities & Support
Health Library
Content & Education
Virtual Marketplace
Communities & Support
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Remote Monitoring
Heath Data Vault
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Custom Dietary Reccomendations
On Demand Telemedicine
Remote Monitoring
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Health Data Vault
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Anywhere Access

Secure access of one’s health information from anywhere allows the user to securely engage with their health data through their phone.


FHIOS Health enables our members to safely obtain their medical records at any time and in any place through our interface.


With this feature, the complications of acquiring one’s health data are shed, and self-reporting to other medical professionals will be streamlined and significantly more accurate. 

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All rights reserved © 2020 FHIOS Health

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